Hello and welcome to T.U.B.I :
In 2022 Child Two will be taking part in the WORLD CHALLENGE to… we don’t know where yet, but it’ll be exotic, it usually is. For example Child One is going to Uzbekistan with World challenge in 2020. To enable students to grow and mature and develop life skills it’s their responsibility to raise the funds for the trip. Child One has been waiting tables and baking cakes as well as other tasks to raise the money for the trip. Child Two will be doing much the same as well as this.
Child Two, who is as you can see quite an accomplished doodler will be creating his art and adapting it for Tees (In association with the OLD MAN who despite appearances is quite nifty with computery type things) to raise the required funds for the trip
One other thing T.U.B.I. does not imply anything, it’s a domain that’s just happened to be lying around unused for a few years, might as well use it.